Workshop on 2D materials as part of an international research project

10 01 2023
Category: Events
From 24 to 26 October 2022, the University of Warsaw Faculty of Physics hosted the workshop on 2D materials co-financed by the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme.
After two years of mainly virtual training activities, the in-person event was a unique opportunity to meet researchers who are conducting studies in the field of materials research. The diverse program included talks on van der Waals materials and heterostructures with a special emphasis on magnetic layered materials, which have recently drawn the attention of researchers. The workshop was attended by nearly 100 participants and included talks by 29 invited speakers from 7 European countries. There were also 18 posters on display presented by young researchers from Poland. For the full list of invited speakers, please see:
The workshop provided an update on research conducted in Europe on 2D materials including the recent advancement of groups studying their properties in high magnetic fields. It was an opportunity for the Polish community of high magnetic field users involved in studies of 2D materials to gather. In particular, it was possible to learn about the results of recent experiments done at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw within a new scheme of “double access” at the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) facilities.
The workshop was also a major event of the “2D Materials” International Research Project supported by Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), which combines the efforts of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Grenoble (France), the Institut Européen des Membranes in Montpellier (France), the University of Warsaw (Poland), and Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Poland). The lectures presented by the institutions’ participants summarised the current status of Polish-French partnerships and revealed new avenues of scientific collaboration.
The participants were honoured with the presence of Professor Jean-Luc Schneider, attaché for science and university cooperation at the French Embassy in Poland. Information about the workshop has been published on the French Diplomacy website.
The organisation of the workshop was also supported by the European Union (ISABEL-project no. 871106) and the Ministry of Education and Science in Poland (grant no. DIR/WK/2018/07) that supported the Polish participation in the EMFL.
Photo: Professor Antonio Polimeni of Sapienza University of Rome presenting the opening lecture of the Workshop, author: Jarosław Rybusiński, University of Warsaw.
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