Principles of operation for the Institute for Advanced Studies (ISZ)
Principles of operation
for the Institute for Advanced Studies (ISZ)
Section 1
General provisions
§ 1
- The rules of operation of the Institute of Advanced Studies pertain to the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) Programme.
- The rules define how the Institute operates.
§ 2
Wherever reference is made in these Rules to:
- The Institute or IAS (ISZ) – it should be understood as the Institute of Advanced Studies;
- The Action – it should be understood as Action I.3.8 “Establishment of the Institute for Advanced Studies (ISZ)”;
- IDUB – it should be understood as the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme, which is being implemented at the University of Warsaw on the basis of Ordinance No. 115 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw from 1 June 2020, on the implementation of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2020, item 246 as amended);
- POB II – it should be understood as the Priority Research Area II under the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme;
- The Coordinator of the Action – this should be understood as the Coordinator of Action I.3.3. within the meaning of the IDUB Ordinance;
- The Programme Manager – this should be understood as the IDUB Programme Manager;
- The Chairperson of the Council – it should be understood as the Chairperson of the Council of the Institute;
- The Council – it should be understood as the Council of the Institute;
- The Head of the Institute – it should be understood as the Head of the Institute of Advanced Studies (ISZ);
- The Rector – this should be understood as the Rector of the University of Warsaw;
- The Statute – this should be understood as the Statute of the University of Warsaw;
- The University, UW – these should be understood as the University of Warsaw;
- The IDUB Ordinance – this should be understood as Ordinance No. 115 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of 1 June 2020, on the implementation of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme at the University of Warsaw.
§ 3
The rules shall specify in particular:
- the tasks of the Institute;
- the rules of operation for the Head of the Institute and of the Council of the Institute.
§ 4
The organisational structure of the Institute consists of:
- The Head of the Institute;
- The Council of the Institute;
- The IAS Office.
Section 2
The tasks of the Institute
§ 5
- The Institute’s activities include, among others:
- the creation and maintenance of a website with information about the Institute and its activities, including the research groups involved and their conducted research, organised seminars, lectures, workshops, conferences, and other projects;
- the organisation and financing of a series of specialised lectures for students and doctoral candidates, delivered by outstanding foreign scholars;
- the organisation and financing of the Distinguished Visiting Fellowships and Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships for the visits of outstanding foreign scientists for a period of 2 weeks to 6 months, in order to start or intensify cooperation with University employees;
- the organisation and funding of international thematic scientific workshops (with 10-100 participants), on issues being researched as part of POB II;
- the co-organisation of international scientific conferences, in which at least one lecture will be open to the University community;
- support for the mobility of doctoral candidates and employees of the University of Warsaw by financing visits to leading research centres;
- gathering experience and coordinating joint applications for national and international research grants (in particular ITN, COFUND, MSCA, NAWA, MNiSW);
- the organisation of international webinars to launch innovative research projects.
Section 3
The Head of the Institute
§ 6
- The work of the Institute is coordinated by the Head of the Institute, who is also the Coordinator of the Action within the meaning of Ordinance No. 115.
- In the event that the Head cannot perform his/her function, his/her duties will be taken over by a person appointed by the Coordinator of the Action.
§ 7
The tasks of the Head of the Institute include:
- acting on behalf of the Institute;
- setting priorities and preparing the work schedule of the Institute;
- creating favourable conditions for carrying out scientific research and carrying out other tasks entrusted to the Institute;
- announcing competitions for research projects and defining the detailed rules and criteria for the evaluation of applications;
- initiating scientific seminars;
- managing the distribution of the results of scientific research carried out with the participation of the Institute, and appropriate communication with the media and the external environment.
Section 4
The Council of the Institute
§ 8
The Structure of the Council
- The Council consists of at least seven members, including the Head of the Institute
- Members of the Council should represent various disciplines and have recognised scientific achievements.
- The Members of the Council are appointed by the Head of the Institute.
- The Council elects the Chairperson of the Council from among its members.
- A Member of the Council will be dismissed by the Head of the Institute on the basis of a request by the Head of the Council.
§ 9
The term of office of the Council
- The term of office of the Council is consistent with the period of implementation for the IDUB Programme, i.e., until 31 December 2025.
- If the implementation of the IDUB Programme is extended or shortened, the term of office of the Council shall be extended or shortened accordingly.
§ 10
The tasks of the Council
Tasks of the Council include:
- advising the Institute’s programmes;
- at the request of the Head, issuing opinions on the distribution of funds between implemented projects, including Fellowship projects, scientific events, and mobility support projects;
- at the request of the Head, giving opinions on the rules for conducting competitions under the implemented programmes in terms of effectively supporting high level research in the co-financed projects;
- identifying research themes which according to the Council should receive particular support in IAS projects because of their potential;
- at the request of the Head, performing other activities which support the operations of the Institute.
§ 11
The organisation and operation of the Council
- The Chairperson of the Council manages the work of the Council.
- During the absence of the Chairperson of the Council, the work of the Council is managed by a person appointed by the Head of the Institute.
- The Chairperson of the Council will be elected by a simple majority at the beginning of the Council’s term of office, in the presence of at least half of the members of the Council.
- The Head of the Institute may not become the Chairperson of the Council.
- The Chairperson of the Council convenes meetings of the Council at his/her initiative or at the request of at least two members of the Council.
- Members of the Council may participate in meetings remotely via teleconference tools.
- The Head of the Institute convenes and chairs the first meeting of the Council in a new term, until a Chairperson of the Council is elected.
- The Chairperson of the Council shall notify the members of the date and proposed agenda for a Council meeting by electronic means, at least seven days prior to the meeting.
- Persons from outside the Council may participate in the meeting of the Council at the invitation of the Head or the Chairperson of the Council, in an advisory capacity.
- Opinions shall be formulated by the Council by a simple majority of at least half of the members of the Council. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall cast the decisive vote.
- Opinions may be adopted by the Council by electronic vote.
Section 5
Administration of the Institute
§ 12
- Administrative support for the Institute is provided by the IAS Office.
- Detailed rules for the operations of the IAS Office are determined by the Head of the Institute.
§ 13
The administration of the Institute provides support in the following areas:
- servicing the activities of the Council;
- handling competition procedures;
- supporting individual activities of the Institute;
- supporting the financial processes in the Institute.
Section 6
Final provisions
§ 14
- In matters not covered by these Rules, the provisions of Ordinance No. 115 by the Rector of the University of Warsaw from 1 June 2020 on the implementation of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme at the University of Warsaw (UW Monitor 2020, item 246 as amended).
- These Rules come into force on the day of their announcement.