Results of the “Employment of technicians/operators” call

22 07 2021
Category: Priority Research Area II
7 university units will receive funding under the IDUB Programme to employ technicians and operators of research infrastructure. The joint call for applications was announced within the framework of the Priority Research Area II “Beyond Micro and Macro Worlds” and the Priority Research Area I “Science for the Planet”.
The call was dedicated to the natural sciences units located at the UW Ochota Campus: the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Chemistry, the Faculty of Physics, the Faculty of Geology, the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, the Centre for Biological and Chemical Sciences, the New Technology Center, and the Heavy Ion Laboratory.
The total budget of the competition amounted to 14,000,000 PLN. Its aim is to improve the accessibility of the infrastructure for UW research teams, as well as for external companies.
New employees – technicians and operators – will be responsible not only for maintaining the infrastructure. They will also organise webinars and training sessions on the subject of laboratory equipment, and strive to establish cooperation with research groups and companies.
Description of the infrastructure maintained by the technicians (possible purposes of its use and its availability) will be published at a dedicated website.
The technicians will be hired through open competitions.
Results of the call:
- Faculty of Physics – 4,018,984 PLN,
- Centre of New Technologies – 2,354,047 PLN,
- Faculty of Chemistry – 2,351,278 PLN,
- Biological and Chemical Research Centre – 2,200,206 PLN,
- Faculty of Biology – 1,863,660 PLN,
- Faculty of Geology – 857,746 PLN,
- Heavy lon Laboratory – 354,079 PLN.
The competition was financed jointly under the Action “I.4.2. Fund for the Renovation and Development of Research Infrastructure” (Priority Research Area II) and the Action I.4.1. “Strengthening the core-facility potential on the Ochota Campus” (Priority Research Area I).